Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Northern Ireland

Greetings and welcome to Scribal Scribbles.

I will be posting thoughts, observations and research from my studies abroad at this page. The majority of the things I post will be dealing with my studies in historical and systematic theology at Queen's University Belfast via Belfast Bible College. It will also traverse some of the cultural differences in church life here in Northern Ireland versus America.

If you are not familiar with Northern Ireland and the rich history, I suggest taking a crash course in pop culture with some U2, the films In the Name of the Father, or Fifty Dead Men Walking, and also clicking here to learn a brief thing or two.

The family and I are nestled in the village of Dunmurry. We walk everywhere and have no car. The college is about a half mile away and the train station into Belfast city centre is a half mile in the other direction. Our bank, the Tesco store, and a smattering of small businesses are right down the street. We are immersed in this small community which leads me to the church.

Next to our row of flats is a Gospel Church. Across the street is a Church of God and about 100 meters from my front door down the street is Dunmurry Presbyterian Church. We visited here this past Sunday. I'll do a write up with some thoughts about this experience in the next few days.

I am greatly looking forward to this journey that our family has undertaken as part of the greater calling in our lives. We have trusted God and he has been our provision and the beginning of all opportunities thus far. I am extremely grateful to friends and family who have supported us in thoughts, words, prayers and even finances as we continue to live out our ministry and calling as a family.

For more information and stories about everyday life abroad, please follow the family blog here.

Thanks for joining me as I ponder...


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